16-442. Committee approval; adoption of vote tabulating equipment; experimental use

  1. The secretary of state shall appoint a committee of three persons, to consist of a member of the engineering college at one of the universities, a member of the state bar of Arizona and one person familiar with voting processes in the state, no more than two of whom shall be of the same political party, who shall investigate and test the various types of vote recording or tabulating machines or devices which may be used under the provisions of this article. They shall submit their recommendations to the secretary of state who shall make final adoption of the type or types, make or makes, model or models to be used. The committee shall serve without compensation.

  2. The board of supervisors of a county, or the governing body of a city or town, or the council of an agricultural improvement district may adopt for use in elections any kind of electronic voting system or vote tabulating device approved by the secretary of state, and thereupon the voting or marking device and vote tabulating equipment may be used at any or all elections for voting, recording and counting votes cast at election.

  3. The governing body may provide for the experimental use of vote tabulating equipment without a final adoption thereof, and its use at the election is as valid as if the machines had been permanently adopted.

WARNING - The above text was curent June 2003, but may be outdated now.