
Senator Evan Bayh (Democrat - Indiana)

Voting Record -- Impeachment Trial of William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton

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Violated oath of impartiality by voting to dismiss the trial without allowing the House Managers to present their case.
Voted for a mock trial without deposing witnesses.
Allowed videotaping of witnesses.
Voted for a mock trial without presentation of transcripts or video of witness testimony.
Made trial a sham without any live testimony.
Voted for a mock trial without closing arguments.
Voted to give the defense advance notice of the House Manager's closing arguments.
Allowed Mr. Clinton to get away with perjury.
Allowed Mr. Clinton to get away with obstruction of justice.

Historical document in the public domain; Annotations Copyright © 1999 Daniel Weyrich

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Last updated: March 02, 1999; Version: 1.3